Friday, December 31, 2010

Where the Magic Happens

Here is a quick panorama of where the magic happens. I am still re-organizing and am excited about some new installations. I have started putting together an area for props,leather work, castings and metal/wire work.

I am going shopping tomorrow for more supplies to finish up a few pieces and to begin a  few new ones.

Click to enlarge image.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Little Steam in the Engine

I have a bit of steam in my engine now. My Etsy site has been brilliant. I have already generated a few customers through the Alchemy portal.

With the next few months focused on costume design and creation, I reorganized the costume room today to make it more functional. I also made plans to add some extra stations to ease the creation process. I am excited to begin a few of my projects.

New projects:
Steampunk Gun: I was inspired by an Alchemy post to create this piece.

Halo: A custom piece for a client that was inspired by a music video.

Cosplay costume: I am excited to create this design because I get to work with leather to create a great looking gun holster.

Lady Gaga piece: A truly unique opportunity that I look forward to making.

I will add more photos as the progress continues on each of these pieces.

Thank you to all my clients for the opportunity to work for you and bring your creations to life.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Pirate Costume Pieces

Here are a few photos of the Pirate Costume. Costume includes:
Ruffled shirt, Overcoat, Drawstring pants, Black boots, Hat, Head wrap, Hook, Belt & Shoulder belt.

Pirate Costume

This is a picture of my son as I was finishing his costume. You may notice in his belt is the vacuum cleaner extension as his make-shift sword until I got him a "real" one. The sword has since been destroyed in an epic battle.
From Pirate Costume

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I have been considering for a long time to employ my strengths to a new area. I have always wanted to start my own business, so I guess this is the beginning of that dream. I have recently been able to find the time to invest in the area of costume making. Bringing my kids wishes to life has been the ultimate reward. I have now created an Etsy site to start selling these creations and this blog will be a repository for my designs and thoughts for those interested in seeing what I can do for them. I hope everyone enjoys what I post here and I look forward to creating many new costumes.